August 2022

forex exchange document

Forex Exchange Document

New regulation for foreign real estate buyers:' Forex Exchange Document' Due to the fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, the Turkish Government has recently introduced new regulations. The Foreign Exchange Document, to support the Turkish Lira. One of those regulations concerns foreigners who want to buy a real estate property in Turkey. As of 24 january 2022, the Land Registry Office will demand to...

residence registry

1169 Neighborhoods closed for new Residence Register

Turkey's Presidency of Migration Management has closed 1169 neighborhoods to new Foreign residence register   Turkey's Presidency of Migration Management (Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı) announced on 30.06.2022, that foreign nationals would no longer be able to register new residence in a total of 1169 neighborhoods across the country, starting 1st of July 2022. The state migration policy...

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