Foreign house sales in Turkey, August 2022

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House sales in Turkey to foreigners decreased by 10.1% in August compared to the same month of the previous year and became 5 thousand 273. In August, the share of house sales to foreigners in total house sales was 4.3%. Antalya took the first place in housing sales to foreigners with the sales of 1,814 houses. Antalya was followed by Istanbul with 1,750 house sales and Mersin with 317 house sales, respectively.

Housing sales to foreigners, August 2022, see below;

In the January-August period, house sales to foreigners increased by 44.6% compared to the same period of the previous year and became 44 thousand 595.

According to the nationality of the country, the most house sales were made to the citizens of the Russian Federation. In August, citizens of the Russian Federation bought 1,238 houses from Turkey. Citizens of the Russian Federation were followed by Iran with 633 residences and Iraqi citizens with 417 residences, respectively.

The 20 Countries with the highest sales by nationality, August 2022, see below;

House sales to foreigners by provinces in 2022, see below;

Total  sold houses to foreigners in August 2022 is 5273 houses;
Istanbul   1750 sold houses
Antalya     1814 sold houses
Mersin       374 sold houses
Ankara       208 sold houses
Bursa          193 sold houses
Yalova        192 sold houses
Sakarya       95 sold hostes
Izmır            87 sold hostes
Samsun       58 sold houses
Trabzon     117 sold houses
Other         442 sold houses
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