
Agricultural Investment

With the introduction of the land register procedure for the acquisition of agricultural property, the land registry of the foreign buyer requires an abligation explanation concerning the purpose of the purchase to pass on this explanation to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

The declaration of commitment and information on the land submitted to the Land Registry Office are sent by the Land Registry Office to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. If the Ministry gives its consent, the land may be sold to foreigners.

During the processing of the sale, the following note shall be entered in the Observatory of the Land Registry: “The implementation of the project shall be subject to the approval of the submission to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture within two years”.

Information on the project is presented under information on the use of the agricultural property of the authority for food and agriculture for approval. If this project is deemed appropriate, it shall be approved by the provincial authority. İf the project’s start and end date are not approved when it is audited, they may be redefined by the provincial authority. The buyer must comply with this. İn the absence of documents, the buyer is granted 30 days for improvement. Once the project has been registered with the land registry office, the local provincial authority can examine the project. If there are deviations from the project, the landlord will be given 30 days to remedy the defects. 

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