
Foreign Investment Restrictions

According to Law on Military Forbidden Security Zones No 2565, foreigners are not allowed to acquire a property situated in these territories. However, since the mentioned zones are not registered in immovable registry, Directorate of Land Registry and Cadaster does not have any information on block and parcel numbers of such territories.

Restrictions are as following
Maximum hectares

The total area of all properties in Turkey under the ownership of a foreigner could not exceed 30 hectares.

% Population

Only 10% of a total area of a district could be acquired by foreigners

Archeological Areas

Purchase of property in archeological areas is subject to the permission of the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism or Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, which had characterized the areas as archeological.

Investment in Islands

Purchase of property in islands is subject to permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Unconstructed Property

In case of the purchase of unconstructed property (lands without any buildings), the construction plan is ruled to be presented for approval of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadaster within 2 years from the date of the property’s acquisition by a foreigner. The plan is not limited only by the construction of premises, it also might be planned on the realization of an agricultural project, tourism project, and other projects related to commercial activities.

If the project had not been presented to the relevant authority or had not been realized in committed terms, a foreigner should inform the Directorate and liquidate (sell) the property within 1 year, otherwise, the property should be liquidated by the Ministry of Finance ex-office and the obtained fee should be paid to the proprietor.

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