
Power of Attorney

By giving a power of attorney at the notary public, official transactions can be carried out on behalf of another person. With this document called power of attorney, which enables many official transactions to be carried out, it is possible to buy, sell or rent real estate. The power of attorney given to carry out the deed transactions by someone else is called the title deed power of attorney.

Each of the parties buying, selling or renting the real estate can perform transactions with a power of attorney. In addition, if the power of attorney is stated in the power of attorney, the person appointed as a proxy may appoint other persons as a proxy. However, the same person cannot be shown as a proxy for both parties.

While the title deed power of attorney is issued at the notary public, its scope should be stated with clear expressions such as “real estate sale” or “real estate lease”. When the power of attorney is not clearly stated for which transaction, the Land Registry and Cadastre Directorates do not take action. In addition, it is useful to determine the boundaries of the power of attorney. For example, the name, parcel or open address information of the real estate where the title deed will be transferred can be included in the power of attorney.

If the term is not specified in the title deed power of attorney, the power of attorney does not have a specific expiry time. Powers of attorney whose authority is still valid can be used again for another transaction within the specified authority limits. When giving a power of attorney at the notary, “The power of attorney is valid for 3 months.” such as a time limit.

If no expiration period is specified, dismissal can be carried out by applying to the land registry office or notary public to terminate the power of attorney. Once the dismissal process is carried out, the person appointed as a proxy cannot perform any action. With the partial dismissal option, the authority to carry out the specified actions can be terminated.

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