
Occupancy Permit ISKAN

The “occupancy permit“, also known as “ISKAN“, is a legally mandatory document for a building to be habitable. The document shows that the licensed building is constructed in the most appropriate way according to the license and its annexes. This document is issued by the Building Occupancy Permit unit of the Zoning Directorate of the Municipality.

Even if a construction has been completed with all its details, if it does not have this document, it is not officially suitable for people to live in. Not all of the uninhabited buildings are open for use, and a certain part of them is not allowed to reside. In order for the building to be occupied, it is officially notified when it is partially or completely completed and the necessary documents are completed and a building occupancy permit is obtained. It contains different data such as title deed registration, independent sections, license information and the name of the owners.

Buildings that have not yet completed their legal processes cannot receive this document. Within the scope of the Zoning Law No. 3194; It is obligatory that the occupancy certificate has been obtained and the construction has been completed within 5 years from the date of issuance of the license. The construction permits of the buildings whose constructions have been completed within 5 years and which have not yet received this document become invalid. In the face of this situation, the building in question enters the status of illegal and unlicensed building.

Buildings that do not have a Building Occupancy Permit (ISKAN) are officially considered under construction. Therefore, sales made in buildings without ISKAN are not made as flats, but as land shares. When buying houses without an occupancy permit, land deed is given instead of flat deed.
Bank loans cannot be used for houses without a occupancy permit. By using a housing loan, people who are considering buying a house without occupancy permit can make a purchase with their cash or savings. In addition, subscriptions are not given to buildings that do not have a occupancy certificate (ISKAN). In order to get subscriptions such as electricity, water and natural gas, it is necessary to have an occupancy permit (ISKAN).

The “occupancy permit (ISKAN)” status of the real estate you are considering buying is evaluated according to the information on the title deed document.

The nature of the real estate is marked in the parts written on the title deed document. The fact that the “KAT MÜLKİYETİ” phrase is emphasized here means that the building in question has an “occupancy permit (ISKAN)”.

The building is registered as a fully approved property by the municipality, and each part of the structure is designated separately. To obtain the title deed with “KAT MÜLKİYETİ” ownership, it is necessary to have the “occupancy permit (ISKAN)” of the building.

The title deed with “KAT İRTIFAKLI” servitude is obtained from the municipality for the buildings that are to be started or are under construction.

If there is no irregularity as a result of the controls made after the completion of the construction, an application is made for the “KAT MÜLKİYETİ” title deed. However, if a building with a flat servitude is not built by the procedure, it is not possible to obtain an “occupancy permit (ISKAN)”. If necessary arrangements are made, a new application can be made for resettlement.

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